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Media Uploads

To enable media uploads on your server, set the DITTO_UPLOADER environment variable. It supports the following values:

  • nostrbuild - Uploads media to AWS servers (free, secure, no authentication required).
  • ipfs - Uploads media to a self-hosted IPFS installation.
  • s3 - Uploads media to an S3-compatible bucket.
  • local - Saves media to the local filesystem.
  • blossom - Uploads to publicly accessible servers.


It is recommended to store uploads on a separate server from Ditto itself, or else Ditto may run out of disk space and stop working.

Media Domain

By default, Ditto expects that media will be served on media.yoursite.tld, which it derives from the LOCAL_DOMAIN. You can override this by setting the MEDIA_DOMAIN environment variable.


Media must be hosted on a separate domain or subdomain to prevent security issues. Ditto will raise an error if you try to serve media from the same domain as Ditto itself.

Just set the DITTO_UPLOADER environment variable to nostrbuild.
You can learn more about here:


To set up IPFS, set DITTO_UPLOADER=ipfs and install kubo.

If Ditto and kubo are on the same machine, then your task is done. 🎉

If kubo is on a different machine, you will need to enable local networking, and then customize the IPFS_API_URL in Ditto.

IPFS Variables

  • IPFS_API_URL - The URL of the IPFS API server. Defaults to http://localhost:5001.


To enable S3, set DITTO_UPLOADER=s3. You can use any S3-compatible service, such as Wasabi, DigitalOcean Spaces, MinIO, and more.

You will need to configure S3 with some additional variables, and it may vary depending on the provider.

S3 Variables

  • S3_ENDPOINT - The S3 endpoint URL.
  • S3_REGION - The S3 region.
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY - The S3 access key.
  • S3_SECRET_KEY - The S3 secret key.
  • S3_BUCKET - The name of the S3 bucket.
  • S3_PATH_STYLE - Set to true if your S3 provider uses path-style URLs.
  • S3_PORT - The port to use for S3.
  • S3_SESSION_TOKEN - The S3 session token.
  • S3_USE_SSL - Set to false to disable SSL.


To save media to the local filesystem, set DITTO_UPLOADER=local.

You will then need to configure a reverse-proxy like Nginx to serve the media files.


  • This method is insecure.
  • This method can cause your server to quickly run out of disk space.
  • Do not serve media from the same domain as the Ditto API! This can lead to security issues.
  • It is highly recommended to use IPFS or S3 instead.

Local Variables

  • UPLOADS_DIR - The directory to save uploads to. Defaults to data/uploads.


Just set the DITTO_UPLOADER environment variable to blossom and the BLOSSOM_SERVERS variable to a Blossom server, such as


You can specify multiple blossom servers by separating them with a comma.