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Useful Commands

This section has a list of useful commands, some of which you will be running often.

Promoting a user to admin

Run this command as the ditto user inside /opt/ditto:

deno task admin:role <hex-pubkey> admin

To demote an admin, run the same command, replacing admin with user at the end.

Install a specific version of Deno

Although Deno has been around for a while, it's still "cutting edge" by comparison to Node. If you have inadvertently upgraded Deno and it broke things, you can install a specific version:

curl -fsSL | sudo DENO_INSTALL=/usr/local sh -s <version>

Replace <version> at the end with the version you want to install. For example, v1.43.3.

Nginx commands

If you followed our tutorial, you may want to know the following commands:

  • Each time you change your /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ditto.conf file, you need to restart nginx.
sudo systemctl reload nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
  • To pull for the latest changes in your Ditto instance:
cd /opt/ditto/
su ditto
git pull
  • Each time you change something in /opt/ditto/, you need to reload the system unit:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart ditto.service
  • See logs of Ditto in real time:
sudo journalctl -u ditto.service -f
  • See past logs of Ditto:
sudo journalctl -u ditto.service

Debugging Ditto

Setting DEBUG="*" will log almost everything being executed in real time, such as the SQL queries, HTTPs requests with METHOD, response status, lag time, streaming requests and so on.

In local development, you can pass DEBUG to the command line:

DEBUG="*" deno task dev

In production, you can add the variable to your .env:
